Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Such is life...

Now that my year has started again and I have gotten the hang of wrangling two kids (OK, like that every really happens!), we’re going to try this whole blogging thing again.  It’s cathartic and will definitely help me keep a hold of my sanity.  At the very least I won’t feel like I’m bombarding Mikey with it all.
It’s been a WHILE since I last updated, and I know most of you keep up with our shenanigans via Facebook.  But, for those who don’t here’s a little recap of life in our Madhouse.  The munchkins are growing, which I have mixed feelings about. 

Little man is officially a big boy at 3 ½ years old.  He is learning so much at school.  It’s hard to believe that in less than 2 years we will be sending him off to Kindergarten.

Our princess is getting too big for her own good too.  She turned 1 in May and gave us the present of taking her first real steps in front of the whole family at her ‘smash cake’ party.  She’s been running ever since.  In less than 2 weeks she will start preschool at the same daycare as Logan.  The teachers are already excited to get their hands on her adorable little chubby cheeks!

Mike had it a little rough the last 6 months or so.  In March, Mike tore his ACL and damaged his meniscus while at work.  Of course worker’s comp covered it all, but took their sweet time approving an MRI that would have identified the tears.  In the mean time, he started a new job with a sister company (YAY!) and had to travel to New York and China for business.  Here comes the real fun.  May rolls in with three birthdays (my niece, me, and Ryleigh), the same niece’s wedding, and…wait for it…a trip to the Emergency Room!  I will say that my 4th period students had never been as good as the day I got the call that Mike had a blood clot and was told to go to the ER now!  Commence with the shots of blood thinners, countless doctor visits, compression stockings, swelling, pain, and countless emails and calls to worker’s comp…who still owes us money we had to front for some of the visits. Add in another trip to Vietnam and the fact that I have been in workshops for about a month this summer and that 3 weeks of those included me staying overnight Sunday through Thursday at NC State and Mike’s summer hasn’t exactly been the greatest.  If anything, these trials have strengthened our love and our marriage.  I love him more today than when we married 5 years ago.  In short, we have just chucked this school year up as not being our year and are confident that the next one will be MUCH better! 

In the coming days, I plan on blogging more about the fun stuff that we did over the last year and my newest obsession, Pinterest.  For now, I bid you adieu with a few pictures of my munchkins.
 Ren Faire 2012

With Papa...eating their ice cream

Dixie Classic Fair 2012 with Cousin Ethan

Logan's Birthday Breakfast
Sibling Movie Time

Easter 2013
Prom 2013
 Ryleigh's Birthday Smash Cake
Ethan's Pre-K Graduation

Our Little Builder



Saturday, October 13, 2012

So much for my goal to write more often...

Hello, blog-reading citizens.  I know, I know! It's been a month since I blogged about anything, so I've already messed up my first goal for this year. [And, yes, I realize it's October, but, as a teacher, my years run from July - June.] 

Fall is in the air, which means it's my busy season.  September brings with it the return to working 50+ hour weeks, which is MUCH more difficult with 2 kids.  Then comes my whirlwind. 

Within a month, I coordinate all details for our homecoming court festivities, including nominations, voting, assemblies, halftime presentation, and attire...again I remind you that I teach/mentor high school students and that they, and sometimes their parents, have no idea what the term modesty truly means.  During this time I also have to write a professional development plan, tutor at least twice a week, attend a minimum of 2 meetings a week, and organize a fieldtrip for girls interested in pursuing science careers.  Did I also mention that Mike is finishing up a project for work that has given him very little time off!

Needless  to say, I'm tired!  Last night was homecoming and it went off without a hitch.  I actually got some grading done during Friday's planning time and had a good day with little man.  Mike and the kids met me at school for a tailgate and Logan stayed at the game until after halftime...and he was a perfect angel. 

Today, Mike finished up the most time consuming portion of his project which should allow us to partake in the seasonal festivities around the region.  I think pumpkin picking is in on the docket for next weekend, followed by the Ren Faire, then Halloween and a trip to Atlanta!

I promise to keep you all posted on the fun activities.  As for tomorrow, grading is the plan of the day!  I want to get pretty much caught up on all of the grades that I've been postponing over the last 3-4 weeks.  Think of me as you enjoy this beautiful weather! 

Happy Fall, Ya'll!!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Random Rambings of the Week...

Hello my cyber followers. After reading my dear sister-in-law's blogs all summer, she has inspired me to be a better blogger.  Blogging can be extremely cathartic and after some of the weeks I have throughout the year, I need a constructive way to get out that energy.  If only to save my wonderful husband from having to hear about it so much!

P.S. If you don't follow my SIL's adventures in overseas military life, you most definitely should! She is witty and insightful and is currently doing this for a living (kind of) as she takes care of my brother and their household in Germany for the next two years.

So for this week, I've decided to just jot down some of my random thoughts.  The things that have come to mind throughout my summer and the beginning of school.
1. Whoever said "Poop" happens, never potty trained a 2 year-old boy!
We're keeping it G-rated here kids! :) 
I don't know what it is exactly about releasing your bowels into a pot, but apparently for two year olds it's really scary!  Scary to the point where some will master #1 and not do the deuce for MONTHS!  No big deal, right?  Except for the fact that if they aren't mastering the timber drop, then they are either going in their pants [yuck!] or are withholding it until the last possible minute!
Our big boy was of the second variety. He would go days without anything and then would either go in his pants or in his diaper at nap time.  We used bribery, coaxing, fiber filled foods, and every other tactic that might get him to go. In the end, the shear will of his teacher at school and the promise of the pretend kitchen he wanted for Christmas were the deciding factors. 
Aren't those boxers just the cutest things?!?!
He's had less than a handful of accidents since then and this week we saw an even bigger marker of our little man's growing independence.  For three days in a row, he has taken it upon himself to go to the bathroom and take care of business.  Pray, for the sake of my sanity and my water bill, that this continues!
2. Physics isn't all that bad, but the new crap that we have to go through is!
So, most of you know that I'm teaching physics for the first time and the thought slightly terrified me.  Not that I'm not still VERY behind in planning, and I probably won't feel truly confident until after the semester is over. 
It is a relief that the student I was afraid of...you know the one that will question you at every step and point out ALL of your shortcomings...is utterly confused by the simplest math based problem in the class.  He also has a bit of a chauvinist side to him and it kills him to have to ask a woman for help, which makes my heart leap a little.  Maybe by the end of it all, I will have been able to broaden his horizons in more than just forces and motion.
Well that's all for now.  I'm off to enjoy breakfast with my family, go to church, and then return to try and plan some physics.  Happy Sunday, all!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Science Teacher Extraordinaire...maybe? hopefully?

As I enter my tenth year of teaching, I find myself less prepared than I have ever been.  School starts in a little more than a month and I have yet to truly plan a single lesson.  In all honesty, it would normally not bother me to be in this state, but this year is different.  This year, I am teaching two new classes. 

In addition to my wonderful anatomy, which I've taught so long now that it basically plans itself, I am now my school's only physics teacher and one of only a few physical science teachers.  I keep telling myself that I'm excited about this change, and a part of me truly is, but who am I kidding?  I have a degree in BIOLOGY, I only minored in chemistry because it only required taking one more course and I needed the elective hours anyway.  Oh and physics, dear physics, I took those two courses in the Summer so I wouldn't have to deal with them for an entire semester! 

Am I insane? 

I have a newborn at home, a toddler, and I've now agreed to teach a course that not only have I not taken in years, but that has also changed significantly in terms of how it is supposed to be taught.

On the bright side, I have some wonderful colleagues from other parts of the state who have jumped right in to help bail me out of my sinking ship.  My goal for the week is to use their materials to make a life raft that will help me survive the first few weeks, then maybe I'll be more confident in myself.

I've always said that a good teacher never thinks of themselves as such.  I guess a blessing and a curse that forces us to search for new methods of reaching our students, if simply for the sake of our consciences. 

Well, I guess I better start fishing through the material on the desk in front of me.  Thankfully, I have about another week of summer school left that can be used as planning time. 

Until we meet again,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Life in a whirlwind...

I'm a mother of two...who would have thought it?!  It almost seems surreal.  I have two great kids!  Ryleigh is sleeping through the night, even though she has her first ear infection. Logan is doing well as a big brother, he has his days (like all two year olds), but is overall a big help.

Logan is a little water rat and it looks like Ryleigh will be too!  She LOVES her baths.  We're headed to the pool this weekend and maybe we'll put Ryleigh in for a few minutes! More updates soon.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Welcome home...Ryleigh's first week

Ryleigh was scheduled to join us on my birthday, May 5.  The younger doctors at my practice informed me that they would like to induce my labor before that date due to my chronic high blood pressure...why push the envelope on what has been a perfect pregnancy.  Cool!  I planned to start maternity leave May 1st, hoping to be in labor later that day.  Think again!  The 'old-school' doctors I saw at the end of my pregnancy said no to induction unless I was overdue.  Induction is scheduled for Monday, May 7th.  (At least I got to see The Avengers on the big screen!)

We started the whole process around 9 am...7 hours of labor and three pushes, over a period of 5 minutes, later and she was here! Mike took a potty break and almost missed it!
Ryleigh Jane
4:25 pm ** 7 lbs 11 oz ** 20.25 inches

We came home Wednesday afternoon and thought all was good.  Bring on Sunday and the beginning of a cough for Logan.  By the next night, he couldn't sleep.  Off to the doctor...which we had visited the day before for Ryleigh's weight check...and it's croup!  Not nearly as bad as it was last September, but still contagious.  Then the doctor throws the big blow to my hormone riddled and very emotional body...Ryleigh should probably be removed from the home until Logan is better. **Punch to the gut**

My mind begins to race as I hold back the tears....She wants me to choose between my newborn and my sick child...How can I leave him without his mommy?...It's too early to leave Ryleigh's side...I can't send Logan away, not when he's not feeling good...We have to think of something else!  I can't handle this right now.

Mike and I pledge not to split up our little foursome, though I think his agreement is purely for my sanity.  So, I spent a couple of hours last night sanitizing my bedroom and living room so I could isolate Ryleigh from Logan.  Mike is sleeping upstairs to minimize cross-contamination at night and my mother-in-law is watching Logan in the living room while he is at work.  Here's to hoping that he's better by the weekend!

On a side note: I have the best family ever!! My mother is my rock and my daddy is too cute with regards to my children...he turns to mush!  My sisters-in-law have been an immense help with Logan, watching him while I was in the hospital and taking him to school while I am not allowed to drive.  My mother-in-law didn't think twice about coming over to watch him today.  Then, of course, there's my Mikey.  He's been the best husband anyone could ask for.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm still here...

It's been a long time since I posted on here and a lot has been going on in our lives.  For a brief recap...

October - Mikey took his annual trip to the NAYCE convention for work.  This year was in Orlando and much closer than normal, but it forced him to miss Logan's 1st Halloween Trick-or-Treat.  We did a local church's Trunk-or-Treat, which made up for it.  Little man was Captain America...and too adorable!
Daddy with Logan as Captain America.

November - One of my best friend's got married.  We had Thanksgiving with Mom, Ro, and her new Beau, Ronnie.  Great times and a non-stressful month.  Thank goodness, especially since I was still experiencing morning sickness from our little bug.

December - We decided to have a reveal party where everyone would be informed of our peanut's gender at the same time...even us!  The only people who knew what we were having were the Ultrasound Tech and the baker from our local grocery store. We loaded up the skype for some German-based interaction and cut the cake...It's a girl!!! 

Discovering that our little 'bug' is a lady...Welcome to the family Ryleigh Jane!

January - We began the new year with a family trip to Summerfield, FL.  Back to Homosassa Springs Park...Logan had a BLAST!...Time with Aunt Debi, Uncle Bill, and Michelle...Finished it up with a church service at Grandma and Pop Pop's church.  It felt like I finally got to say goodbye.
Walking with PaPa in the Villages...who'd have thought my Daddy would become a softie!

My Carolina Boy...Experiencing his first piece of Florida...a juicy orange!
Now we gotta get him up to Jersey for a Taylor Ham, Egg, & Cheese Bagel. I know he'll at least eat the bagel!

Visiting Grandma and Pop Pop.
At Homosassa Springs...
Looking at the gators...such an animal freak, like his momma!
Daddy, Aunt Debi, and Uncle Bill
Then we came home to celebrate Logan's 2nd birthday.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed and this is the last party to be thrown at our house.  In NC and January, we just can't house all of the family and friends.  But everyone had a great time.
Eating his ice cream cone cupcake.

February - A fairly quiet month that began with me losing one of my wedding rings in our local grocery store.  Apparently I am the only woman in history who's fingers shrunk during pregnancy.  Mike and a clerk looked for 30 minutes, but one of my bands was long gone!  Thanks to some great sales and a loving husband, I have a new ring that fits. It's a little big, but won't fall off!  (My finger is over a size and a half smaller than the day we got married.)
My new ring.
Celebrating Mardi Gras courtesy of my Aunt Cyndi...all the way from NOLA.
March - We moved Logan into his big boy room as we finish up preparations for Ryleigh's arrival.  He's doing GREAT in school.  We love his teachers, as does he, and they love him.  He's learning more everyday and I am always amazed at what comes out of his mouth.  The newest addition to his ever growing vocabulary is, "No, mommy 2 minutes please" and, of course, quoting his favorite movie, Despicable Me.
Playing like Daddy...going to be a little carpenter.
Loving his new big boy room and bed!
More later, now onto planning some more for my 6 weeks out.